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Tradicionális zenei gyökereket improvizációval ötvöző zene érkezik Miklósvárra Ségercz Ferenc & Vitályos Lehel feat. Mohamad Zatari előadásában. Március 5.-én este 6 órától várjuk Önöket a Kálnoky birtokon.
Ségercz Ferenc-népi fúvósok
Vitályos Lehel -nagybőgő
Mohamad Zatari -oud(arab lant)
Az est folyamán a zenei élmények bővíthetőek lesznek egy igazán különleges gasztronómiai élménnyel. Ez alkalommal első ízben lesz kóstolható a különleges berbécs sültünk.
A rendezvényre előzetesen szükséges bejelentkezni, melyet a miklosvar@transylvaniancastle.com e-mail címen lehet megtenni vagy a +40 743 100 311 telefonon számon.
A koncertre a belépő 40 ron felnőtteknek, míg gyereknek 20 ron. Jegyek a Stone Pubban válthatóak, Miklósvár 85 szám alatt.
Fenntartjuk a programváltozás jogát.
Muzica ce combină filonul tradiționale cu improvizația ajunge în Micloșoara: un concert de Ferenc Ségercz & Vitályos Lehel feat. Mohamad Zatari. Vă așteptăm pe domeniul Kálnoky începând cu ora 18 în 5 martie 2022.
Ferenc Ségercz-Instrumente de suflat populare
Vital Lehel – contrabas
Mohamad Zatari -oud (lãuta arabă)
Pe parcursul serii, delicile muzicale pot fi combinate cu o experiență gastronomică într-adevãr specială. De data aceasta pentru prima oară veti putea gusta friptura noastră specială de berbec.
Este necesară înregistrarea la eveniment, care se poate face la adresa miklosvar@transylvaniancastle.com sau sunând la +40 743 100 311.
Biletele la concert costã 40 ron pentru adulți și 20 ron pentru copii. Acestea pot fi achiziționate la Stone Pub din Miclosoara nr. 85.
Ne rezervăm dreptul de a schimba detaliile de organizare.
In a permanent search for common rhythms and dialogues between traditional repertoires from different regions of the world, a project / a journey between Ferenc Segercz, Mohamad Zatari and Lehel Vitalyos starts from a workshop in a small village in Transylvania. With deeply rooted timbres and improvisational concepts, the three musicians are building up a new, organic and coherent sound textures. The trio gives a concert on March 5th, 2022 at the Kálnoky Estate. Join us on this unconventional journey.
Ferenc Segercz: Wind instruments / Gardon
Mohamad Zatari: Oud
Lehel Vitalyos: Contrabass
During the evening, the musical experiences can be expanded with a truly special gastronomic experience. On this occasion for the first time you will be able to taste our special wether roast.
Please register for the event at miklosvar@transylvaniancastle.com or by calling +40 743 100 311.
Admission to the concert is 40 ron for adults and 20 ron for children. Tickets can be purchased at Stone Pub, Miklósvár no. 85.
We reserve the right to change the program.